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Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

WRPS is pleased to announce our adoption of a BYOD - Bring Your Own Device program to our schools.  Students are encouraged to bring their own chromebook to school each day. This is an optional program and our school staff are working through some details to make this happen in our school.  WRPS has partnered with Staples in Camrose and Leduc as one option for purchasing a chromebook and they can offer 6 or 12 month payment plans with zero interest.  If you are interested in purchasing a chromebook for your child to use at home and at school please go to our BYOD Website pages or more information.  

  • Definition of BYOD


Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to technology models where students bring a personally owned device to school for the purpose of learning.  In WRPS, BYOD refers to a chromebook or for older students who know how to use a laptop on their own; a laptop.


According to AB Ed, “A personally owned device is just that – personal. The student who owns it typically invests time, thought and energy in customizing the device, in setting it up to optimize communication, productivity and learning. As a result, the student is typically quite proficient with the device and will use it anytime, anywhere to learn. Such devices, in the hands of every student, afford seamless learning opportunities that bridge the formal learning in schools with the informal, outside of classrooms and schools.”   WRPS should be providing the highway (internet) and ideally, students provide the cars (devices).


  • Staples


WRPS have partnered with Staples in Leduc and Camrose for parents to easily locate 3 possible models of chromebooks.  Staples offers 6 and 12 month payment plans for parents.  Staples Flyer for WRPS.


  • What types of devices will students be allowed to bring?


Students are encouraged to bring chromebooks in grades 4-12.  If students have a laptop that they are proficient with they can use the laptop at school.  *Smartphones, tablets, and other smaller devices are more for consuming content rather than creating it.


  • Students need to bring their devices fully charged.


Students are not allowed to charge their devices at school as there could be electrical or safety hazards with multiple cords throughout a classroom.  


  • How will students receive support with their devices?


Chromebooks are the preferred device due to the simplicity of their use.   Teachers CAN and SHOULD support use of google apps (drive, docs, sheets, slides, etc…) but are not expected to deal with complex technical issues.

The expectation is that if students are bringing their own device other than a chromebook that they know how to use it.  

Teachers are not expected to troubleshoot a variety of devices.  Parents can access support via the BYOD website which includes topics such as, setting up a chromebook for the first time, accessing the internet at school, optimizing chromebook settings, etc…

School tech lead teachers can also assist with chromebook issues and access ET support if needed.


  • What about students who don’t Bring their own device?


WRPS is moving to a 1:1 chromebook model for grades 4-12.  Access for all students should not be an issue whether it is a school owned or personally owned device.


  • How will students access the internet with their device?


Students will log in as usual with their WRPS username and password to access the WiFi.  ET will provide instructions and support as to setting up a personal profile and a WRPS profile on their chromebook.  


  • Will students be able to print?


No. Students can not access printers while at school.  Students can share items with teachers to print when necessary. 


  • Where will devices be stored securely during the day?


Each school has a unique situation - school staff and admin needs to decide together what works best for their site.  For example, the chromebooks can be left in classrooms and the classroom locked when the class leaves the room.  


  • Technology Responsible Use Agreement


The TRUA states: “While using technology students are expected to adhere to the following rules when using school or personally owned digital devices:” - therefore all the same acceptable use rules apply.  

The TRUA is now an online parent form - Technology Responsible Use Agreement that is reviewed and updated yearly.  Teachers should be reviewing this with their students as well.

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